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Benton-Franklin Intercounty Bridge


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Benton and Franklin Counties lie in south central Washington. Currently, nearly 290,000 people call the two counties home. The third largest metro area in the state, it has also recently been the fastest-growing one. Major economic activities are agriculture, agricultural manufacturing, research…


Throughout the year, each of the approximately 180 indicators on the Trends website are updated within a few weeks of new data becoming available. But, which ones and when? Our blog webpage provides the answers with a list of recently updated indicators - check it out

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The Trends of Benton and Franklin Counties, in south central Washington; are presented by a coalition of interested parties. The steering committee included the following organizations: Benton Franklin Health District, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Port of Benton, the Three Rivers Community Foundation, and the Tri-City Herald. The information contained among these many indicators offers residents and visitors alike a comprehensive…

Featured Trend

Total Population & Annual Growth Rate: Population growth reveals much about a community. Popular communities experience high rates of growth, bringing wanted economic benefits. In many cases, however, growth can also lead to concerns over traffic, the environment and essential services such as education. Locations experiencing slow rates of population growth, or even depopulation, may face fiscal difficulties and a downward spiral of further…